Uses of Class

Uses of ZMQ.Socket in org.zeromq

Methods in org.zeromq that return ZMQ.Socket
 ZMQ.Socket ZContext.createSocket(int type)
          Creates a new managed socket within this ZContext instance.
static ZMQ.Socket ZThread.fork(ZContext ctx, ZThread.IAttachedRunnable runnable, Object... args)
 ZMQ.Socket ZMQ.PollItem.getSocket()
 ZMQ.Socket ZMQ.Poller.getSocket(int index)
          Get the socket associated with an index.
 ZMQ.Socket ZMQ.Context.socket(int type)
          Create a new Socket within this context.

Methods in org.zeromq that return types with arguments of type ZMQ.Socket
 List<ZMQ.Socket> ZContext.getSockets()

Methods in org.zeromq with parameters of type ZMQ.Socket
 void ZContext.destroySocket(ZMQ.Socket s)
          Destroys managed socket within this context and remove from sockets list
static void ZMQ.proxy(ZMQ.Socket frontend, ZMQ.Socket backend, ZMQ.Socket capture)
          Starts the built-in ØMQ proxy in the current application thread.
static ZFrame ZFrame.recvFrame(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Receives single frame from socket, returns the received frame object, or null if the recv was interrupted.
static ZFrame ZFrame.recvFrame(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flags)
          Receive a new frame off the socket, Returns newly-allocated frame, or null if there was no input waiting, or if the read was interrupted.
static ZMsg ZMsg.recvMsg(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Receives message from socket, returns ZMsg object or null if the recv was interrupted.
static ZMsg ZMsg.recvMsg(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flag)
          Receives message from socket, returns ZMsg object or null if the recv was interrupted.
 int ZMQ.Poller.register(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Register a Socket for polling on all events.
 int ZMQ.Poller.register(ZMQ.Socket socket, int events)
          Register a Socket for polling on the specified events.
 void ZDispatcher.registerHandler(ZMQ.Socket socket, ZDispatcher.ZMessageHandler messageHandler, ZDispatcher.ZSender sender)
 void ZDispatcher.registerHandler(ZMQ.Socket socket, ZDispatcher.ZMessageHandler messageHandler, ZDispatcher.ZSender sender, ExecutorService threadpool)
 void[] args, ZContext ctx, ZMQ.Socket pipe)
 void ZMsg.send(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Send message to 0MQ socket.
 void ZMsg.send(ZMQ.Socket socket, boolean destroy)
          Send message to 0MQ socket, destroys contents after sending if destroy param is set to true.
 boolean ZFrame.send(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flags)
          Method to call org.zeromq.Socket send() method.
 boolean ZFrame.sendAndDestroy(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Sends frame to socket if it contains data.
 boolean ZFrame.sendAndDestroy(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flags)
          Sends frame to socket if it contains data.
 boolean ZFrame.sendAndKeep(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Sends frame to socket if it contains any data.
 boolean ZFrame.sendAndKeep(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flags)
          Sends frame to socket if it contains any data.
 void ZMQ.Poller.unregister(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Unregister a Socket for polling on the specified events.
 void ZDispatcher.unregisterHandler(ZMQ.Socket socket)

Constructors in org.zeromq with parameters of type ZMQ.Socket
ZMQ.PollItem(ZMQ.Socket socket, int events)
ZMQForwarder(ZMQ.Context context, ZMQ.Socket inSocket, ZMQ.Socket outSocket)
          Class constructor.
ZMQQueue(ZMQ.Context context, ZMQ.Socket inSocket, ZMQ.Socket outSocket)
          Class constructor.
ZMQStreamer(ZMQ.Context context, ZMQ.Socket inSocket, ZMQ.Socket outSocket)
          Class constructor.

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