Uses of Class

Uses of ZFrame in org.zeromq

Methods in org.zeromq that return ZFrame
 ZFrame ZFrame.duplicate()
          Creates a new frame that duplicates an existing frame
 ZFrame ZMsg.element()
 ZFrame ZMsg.getFirst()
 ZFrame ZMsg.getLast()
 ZFrame ZMsg.peek()
 ZFrame ZMsg.peekFirst()
 ZFrame ZMsg.peekLast()
 ZFrame ZMsg.poll()
 ZFrame ZMsg.pollFirst()
 ZFrame ZMsg.pollLast()
 ZFrame ZMsg.pop()
static ZFrame ZFrame.recvFrame(ZMQ.Socket socket)
          Receives single frame from socket, returns the received frame object, or null if the recv was interrupted.
static ZFrame ZFrame.recvFrame(ZMQ.Socket socket, int flags)
          Receive a new frame off the socket, Returns newly-allocated frame, or null if there was no input waiting, or if the read was interrupted.
 ZFrame ZMsg.remove()
 ZFrame ZMsg.removeFirst()
 ZFrame ZMsg.removeLast()
 ZFrame ZMsg.unwrap()
          Pop frame off front of message, caller now owns frame.

Methods in org.zeromq that return types with arguments of type ZFrame
 Iterator<ZFrame> ZMsg.descendingIterator()
 Iterator<ZFrame> ZMsg.iterator()

Methods in org.zeromq with parameters of type ZFrame
 boolean ZMsg.add(ZFrame e)
 void ZMsg.addFirst(ZFrame e)
 void ZMsg.addLast(ZFrame e)
 boolean ZFrame.hasSameData(ZFrame other)
          Returns true if both frames have byte - for byte identical data
 boolean ZMsg.offer(ZFrame e)
 boolean ZMsg.offerFirst(ZFrame e)
 boolean ZMsg.offerLast(ZFrame e)
 void ZMsg.push(ZFrame e)
 void ZMsg.wrap(ZFrame frame)
          Push frame plus empty frame to front of message, before 1st frame.

Method parameters in org.zeromq with type arguments of type ZFrame
 boolean ZMsg.addAll(Collection<? extends ZFrame> arg0)

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