zmqpp  4.1.2
C++ bindings for 0mq (libzmq)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Czmqpp::actorAn actor is a thread with a pair socket connected to its parent
 Czmqpp::authAuth - authentication for ZeroMQ security mechanisms
 Czmqpp::contextInternal zmq context and io threads
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 Czmqpp::exceptionRepresents the base zmqpp exception
 Czmqpp::actor_initialization_exceptionRepresents a failed zmqpp::actor initialization
 Czmqpp::invalid_instanceRepresents an attempt to use an invalid object
 Czmqpp::z85_exceptionThrown when an error occurs while encoding or decoding to/from z85
 Czmqpp::zmq_internal_exceptionRepresents internal zmq errors
 Czmqpp::frameInternal frame wrapper for a single zmq message
 Czmqpp::curve::keypairA pair of public and private key
 Czmqpp::messageZmq message with optional multipart support
 Czmqpp::pollerPolling wrapper
 Czmqpp::reactorReactor object that helps to manage multiple socket by calling a user-defined handler for each socket when a watched event occurs
 Czmqpp::socketZmq sockets
 Czmqpp::zap_handler< RequestHandler >A base ZAP handler object
 Czmqpp::zap_requestA class for working with ZAP requests and replies