 * call-seq:
 *   socket.setsockopt(option, value) -> nil
 * Sets the value of a 0MQ socket option.
 * The following socket options can be set with the setsockopt() function:
 * == ZMQ::HWM: Set high water mark
 * The ZMQ::HWM option shall set the high water mark for the specified _socket_.
 * The high water mark is a hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding
 * messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer that the specified
 * _socket_ is communicating with.
 * If this limit has been reached the socket shall enter an exceptional state
 * and depending on the socket type, 0MQ shall take appropriate action such as
 * blocking or dropping sent messages. Refer to the individual socket
 * descriptions in ZMQ::Socket for details on the exact action taken for each
 * socket type.
 * The default ZMQ::HWM value of zero means "no limit".
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] messages
 * [Default value] 0
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * == ZMQ::SWAP: Set disk offload size
 * The ZMQ::SWAP option shall set the disk offload (swap) size for the specified
 * socket. A socket which has ZMQ::SWAP set to a non-zero value may exceed it’s
 * high water mark; in this case outstanding messages shall be offloaded to
 * storage on disk rather than held in memory.
 * The value of ZMQ::SWAP defines the maximum size of the swap space in bytes.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] bytes
 * [Default value] 0
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * == ZMQ::AFFINITY: Set I/O thread affinity
 * The ZMQ::AFFINITY option shall set the I/O thread affinity for newly created
 * connections on the specified socket.
 * Affinity determines which threads from the 0MQ I/O thread pool associated
 * with the socket’s _context_ shall handle newly created connections. A value of
 * zero specifies no affinity, meaning that work shall be distributed fairly
 * among all 0MQ I/O threads in the thread pool. For non-zero values, the lowest
 * bit corresponds to thread 1, second lowest bit to thread 2 and so on. For
 * example, a value of 3 specifies that subsequent connections on socket shall
 * be handled exclusively by I/O threads 1 and 2.
 * See also ZMQ::Context#new for details on allocating the number of I/O threads
 * for a specific _context_.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] N/A (bitmap)
 * [Default value] 0
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * == ZMQ::IDENTITY: Set socket identity
 * The ZMQ::IDENTITY option shall set the identity of the specified socket.
 * Socket identity determines if existing 0MQ infastructure (<em>message queues</em>,
 * <em>forwarding devices</em>) shall be identified with a specific application and
 * persist across multiple runs of the application.
 * If the socket has no identity, each run of an application is completely
 * separate from other runs. However, with identity set the socket shall re-use
 * any existing 0MQ infrastructure configured by the previous run(s). Thus the
 * application may receive messages that were sent in the meantime, <em>message
 * queue</em> limits shall be shared with previous run(s) and so on.
 * Identity should be at least one byte and at most 255 bytes long. Identities
 * starting with binary zero are reserved for use by 0MQ infrastructure.
 * [Option value type] String
 * [Option value unit] N/A
 * [Default value] nil
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * ZMQ::SUBSCRIBE: Establish message filter
 * The ZMQ::SUBSCRIBE option shall establish a new message filter on a ZMQ::SUB
 * socket. Newly created ZMQ::SUB sockets shall filter out all incoming messages,
 * therefore you should call this option to establish an initial message filter.
 * An empty _value_ of length zero shall subscribe to all incoming messages. A
 * non-empty _value_ shall subscribe to all messages beginning with the
 * specified prefix. Mutiple filters may be attached to a single ZMQ::SUB socket,
 * in which case a message shall be accepted if it matches at least one filter.
 * [Option value type] String
 * [Option value unit] N/A
 * [Default value] N/A
 * [Applicable socket types] ZMQ::SUB
 * == ZMQ::UNSUBSCRIBE: Remove message filter
 * The ZMQ::UNSUBSCRIBE option shall remove an existing message filter on a
 * ZMQ::SUB socket. The filter specified must match an existing filter
 * previously established with the ZMQ::SUBSCRIBE option. If the socket has
 * several instances of the same filter attached the ZMQ::UNSUBSCRIBE option
 * shall remove only one instance, leaving the rest in place and functional.
 * [Option value type] String
 * [Option value unit] N/A
 * [Default value] nil
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * == ZMQ::RATE: Set multicast data rate
 * The ZMQ::RATE option shall set the maximum send or receive data rate for
 * multicast transports such as _pgm_ using the specified socket.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] kilobits per second
 * [Default value] 100
 * [Applicable socket types] all, when using multicast transports
 * == ZMQ::RECOVERY_IVL: Set multicast recovery interval
 * The ZMQ::RECOVERY_IVL option shall set the recovery interval for multicast
 * transports using the specified _socket_. The recovery interval determines the
 * maximum time in seconds that a receiver can be absent from a multicast group
 * before unrecoverable data loss will occur.
 * <b>Caution:</b> Exercise care when setting large recovery intervals as the data needed for recovery will be held in memory. For example, a 1 minute recovery interval at a data rate of 1Gbps requires a 7GB in-memory buffer.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] seconds
 * [Default value] 10
 * [Applicable socket types] all, when using multicast transports
 * == ZMQ::MCAST_LOOP: Control multicast loopback
 * The ZMQ::MCAST_LOOP option shall control whether data sent via multicast
 * transports using the specified _socket_ can also be received by the sending
 * host via loopback. A value of zero disables the loopback functionality, while
 * the default value of 1 enables the loopback functionality. Leaving multicast
 * loopback enabled when it is not required can have a negative impact on
 * performance. Where possible, disable ZMQ::MCAST_LOOP in production
 * environments.
 * [Option value type] Boolean
 * [Option value unit] N/A
 * [Default value] true
 * [Applicable socket types] all, when using multicast transports
 * == ZMQ::SNDBUF: Set kernel transmit buffer size
 * The ZMQ::SNDBUF option shall set the underlying kernel transmit buffer size
 * for the socket to the specified size in bytes. A value of zero means leave
 * the OS default unchanged. For details please refer to your operating system
 * documentation for the SO_SNDBUF socket option.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] bytes
 * [Default value] 0
 * [Applicable socket types] all
 * == ZMQ::RCVBUF: Set kernel receive buffer size
 * The ZMQ::RCVBUF option shall set the underlying kernel receive buffer size
 * for the socket to the specified size in bytes. A value of zero means leave
 * the OS default unchanged. For details refer to your operating system
 * documentation for the SO_RCVBUF socket option.
 * [Option value type] Integer
 * [Option value unit] bytes
 * [Default value] 0
 * [Applicable socket types] all
static VALUE socket_setsockopt (VALUE self_, VALUE option_,
    VALUE optval_)

    int rc = 0;
    void * s;

    Data_Get_Struct (self_, void, s);
    Check_Socket (s);

    switch (NUM2INT (option_)) {
    case ZMQ_HWM:
    case ZMQ_SWAP:
    case ZMQ_AFFINITY:
    case ZMQ_RATE:
    case ZMQ_MCAST_LOOP:
    case ZMQ_SNDBUF:
    case ZMQ_RCVBUF:
            uint64_t optval = FIX2LONG (optval_);

            //  Forward the code to native 0MQ library.
            rc = zmq_setsockopt (s, NUM2INT (option_),
                (void*) &optval, sizeof (optval));

    case ZMQ_IDENTITY:

        //  Forward the code to native 0MQ library.
        rc = zmq_setsockopt (s, NUM2INT (option_),
            (void *) StringValueCStr (optval_), RSTRING_LEN (optval_));

        rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", zmq_strerror (EINVAL));
        return Qnil;

    if (rc != 0) {
        rb_raise (rb_eRuntimeError, "%s", zmq_strerror (zmq_errno ()));
        return Qnil;

    return self_;