Hello World client
Connects REQ socket to tcp://localhost:5555
Sends "Hello" to server, expects "World" back
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: |
module docs
module PATH
from docs
from docs
val hijack : unit -> unit
Full name: docs.PATH.hijack
Full name: docs.PATH.hijack
namespace fszmq
val main : unit -> int
Full name: Hwclient.main
Full name: Hwclient.main
val printfn : format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn
Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.printfn
val context : System.IDisposable
val requester : System.IDisposable
val request_nbr : int32
val release : unit -> unit
Full name: docs.PATH.release
Full name: docs.PATH.release