

Namespace: fszmq

Contains methods for working with Socket instances

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( |~> ) data socket
Signature: data:byte [] -> socket:Socket -> Socket

Operator equivalent to Socket.sendMore (with arguments reversed)

CompiledName: op_BarTwiddleGreater

( |>> ) data socket
Signature: data:byte [] -> socket:Socket -> unit

Operator equivalent to Socket.send (with arguments reversed)

CompiledName: op_BarGreaterGreater

( <~| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte [] -> Socket

Operator equivalent to Socket.sendMore

CompiledName: op_LessTwiddleBar

( <<| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte [] -> unit

Operator equivalent to Socket.send

CompiledName: op_LessLessBar

bind socket address
Signature: socket:Socket -> address:string -> unit

Causes an endpoint to start accepting connections at the given address

CompiledName: Bind

configure socket socketOptions
Signature: socket:Socket -> socketOptions:seq<int * obj> -> unit

Sets the given block of option values for the given Socket

CompiledName: Configure

connect socket address
Signature: socket:Socket -> address:string -> unit

Connects to an endpoint to the given address

CompiledName: Connect

disconnect socket address
Signature: socket:Socket -> address:string -> unit

Disconnects to an endpoint from the given address

CompiledName: Disconnect

getOption socket socketOption
Signature: socket:Socket -> socketOption:int -> 't
Type parameters: 't

Gets the value of the given option for the given Socket

CompiledName: GetOption

getOptionWithBufferSize (...)
Signature: socket:Socket -> socketOption:int -> bufferSize:int option -> 't
Type parameters: 't

Gets the value of the given option for the given Socket

CompiledName: GetOption

monitor socket address events
Signature: socket:Socket -> address:string -> events:int -> unit

Creates a ZMQ.PAIR socket, bound to the given address, which broadcasts events for the given socket. These events should be consumed by another ZMQ.PAIR socket connected to the given address (preferably on a background thread).

CompiledName: Monitor

recv socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte []

Waits for (and returns) the next available frame from a socket If no message is received before RCVTIMEO expires, throws a TimeoutException

CompiledName: Recv

recvAll socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte [] []

Retrieves all frames of the next available message

CompiledName: RecvAll

recvMore socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool

Returns true if more message frames are available

CompiledName: RecvMore

send socket frame
Signature: socket:Socket -> frame:byte [] -> unit

Sends a frame (blocking), indicating no more frames will follow

CompiledName: Send

sendAll socket message
Signature: socket:Socket -> message:seq<byte []> -> unit

Sends all frames of a given message If message is empty, sends a single empty frame for convenience

CompiledName: SendAll

sendMore socket frame
Signature: socket:Socket -> frame:byte [] -> Socket

Sends a frame (blocking), indicating more frames will follow, and returning the given socket

CompiledName: SendMore

setOption socket (socketOption, value)
Signature: socket:Socket -> (socketOption:int * value:'t) -> unit
Type parameters: 't

Sets the given option value for the given Socket

CompiledName: SetOption

subscribe socket topics
Signature: socket:Socket -> topics:seq<byte []> -> unit

Adds one subscription for each of the given topics

CompiledName: Subscribe

tryRecv socket length flags
Signature: socket:Socket -> length:int -> flags:int -> byte [] option

Gets the next available frame from a socket, returning a frame option where None indicates the operation should be re-attempted

CompiledName: TryRecv

tryRecvInto socket length flags frame
Signature: socket:Socket -> length:int -> flags:int -> frame:byref<byte []> -> bool

Gets the next available frame from a socket, returning false if the operation should be re-attempted

This function is named TryRecv in compiled assemblies. If you are accessing the function from a language other than F#, or through reflection, use this name.

CompiledName: TryRecv

trySend socket frame flags
Signature: socket:Socket -> frame:byte [] -> flags:int -> bool

Sends a frame, with the given flags, returning true (or false) if the send was successful (or should be re-tried)

CompiledName: TrySend

unbind socket address
Signature: socket:Socket -> address:string -> unit

Causes an endpoint to stop accepting connections at the given address

CompiledName: Unbind

unsubscribe socket topics
Signature: socket:Socket -> topics:seq<byte []> -> unit

Removes one subscription for each of the given topics

CompiledName: Unsubscribe

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