Namespace: fszmq
Contains methods for working with ZMQ's polling capabilities
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
poll timeout items
Signature: timeout:int64<'unit> -> items:seq<Poll> -> bool
Type parameters: 'unit
Performs a single polling run
across the given sequence of Poll items, waiting up to the given timeout.
Returns true when one or more callbacks have been invoked, returns false otherwise.
Note: All items passed to Polling.poll MUST share the same context
and belong to the thread calling Polling.poll .
This function is named DoPoll in compiled assemblies.
If you are accessing the function from a language other than F#, or through reflection, use this name.
CompiledName: DoPoll
pollForever items
Signature: items:seq<Poll> -> bool
Calls Polling.poll with the given sequence of Poll items and no timeout,
effectively causing the polling loop to block indefinitely.
CompiledName: PollForever
pollIn fn socket
Signature: fn:(Socket -> unit) -> socket:Socket -> Poll
Creates a Poll item for the socket which will
invoke the callback when the socket receives a message
CompiledName: PollIn
pollIO fn socket
Signature: fn:(Socket -> unit) -> socket:Socket -> Poll
Creates a Poll item for the socket which will
invoke the callback when the socket sends or receives messages
CompiledName: PollIO
pollNow items
Signature: items:seq<Poll> -> bool
Calls Polling.poll with the given sequence of Poll items and 0 microseconds timeout
CompiledName: PollNow
pollOut fn socket
Signature: fn:(Socket -> unit) -> socket:Socket -> Poll
Creates a Poll item for the socket which will
invoke the callback when the socket sends a message
CompiledName: PollOut
tryPollInput timeout socket
Signature: timeout:int64<'unit> -> socket:Socket -> byte [] [] option
Type parameters: 'unit
Polls the given socket, up to the given timeout, for an input message.
Returns a byte[][] option, where None indicates no message was received.
CompiledName: TryPollInput