

Namespace: fszmq
Parent Module: Options

Contains functions for configuring sockets and patterns for interogating sockets

(NOTE: this module is automatically opened when its parent module is opened.)

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
configureSocket socket socketOptions
Signature: socket:Socket -> socketOptions:seq<SocketOption> -> unit

Sets all the given SocketOptions on the given Socket

setSocketOption socket option
Signature: socket:Socket -> option:SocketOption -> unit

Sets the given SocketOption on the given Socket

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Affinity| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> uint64

I/O thread affinity bit-mask

CompiledName: |Affinity|

( |AuthenticationDomain| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> string

Sets authentication domain

CompiledName: |AuthenticationDomain|

( |Backlog| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int32

Maximum number of queued peers

CompiledName: |Backlog|

( |CurveClient|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> (byte [] * byte [] * byte []) option

true if the current security mechanism is CURVE and the socket is acting as a client

CompiledName: |CurveClient|_|

( |CurveServer|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte [] option

true if the current security mechanism is CURVE and the socket is acting as a server

CompiledName: |CurveServer|_|

( |Events| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int16

Socket event state, see all: Polling

CompiledName: |Events|

( |GssapiClient|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> (string * string) option

true if the current security mechanism is GSSAPI and the socket is acting as a Client

CompiledName: |GssapiClient|_|

( |GssapiClientUnencripted|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> (string * string) option

true if the current security mechanism is GSSAPI and the socket is acting as a Client

CompiledName: |GssapiClientUnencripted|_|

( |GssapiServer|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> string option

true if the current security mechanism is GSSAPI and the socket is acting as a server

CompiledName: |GssapiServer|_|

( |GssapiServerUnencripted|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> string option

true if the current security mechanism is GSSAPI and the socket is acting as a server

CompiledName: |GssapiServerUnencripted|_|

( |HandshakeInterval| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Retrieve the maximum handshake interval

CompiledName: |HandshakeInterval|

( |Identity| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> byte []

Socket identifier

CompiledName: |Identity|

( |Immediate| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool

limit queuing to only completed connections

CompiledName: |Immediate|

( |Ipv6| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool

true to enable IPv6 on the socket, false to restrict to only IPv4

CompiledName: |Ipv6|

( |KeepLastMessageInQueue| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool

keep last message in queue (ignores high-water mark options)

CompiledName: |KeepLastMessageInQueue|

( |LastEndpointAddress| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> string

Retrieves the last endpoint bound for TCP and IPC transports

CompiledName: |LastEndpointAddress|

( |LingerDelay| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Pause before shutdown

CompiledName: |LingerDelay|

( |MaxMessageSize| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int64<MeasureProduct<Byte,MeasureOne>>

Maximum inbound message size

CompiledName: |MaxMessageSize|

( |MaxReconnectInterval| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Maximum reconnection interval

CompiledName: |MaxReconnectInterval|

( |MoreMessageFramesAvailable| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool

More message frames available

CompiledName: |MoreMessageFramesAvailable|

( |MulticastHops| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<NetworkHop,MeasureOne>>

Time-to-live for each multicast packet

CompiledName: |MulticastHops|

( |MulticastRecovery| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Multicast recovery period

CompiledName: |MulticastRecovery|

( |NullSecurity|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> unit option

true if the current security mechanism is NULL

CompiledName: |NullSecurity|_|

( |PlainClient|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> (string * string) option

true if the current security mechanism is PLAIN and the socket is acting as a client

CompiledName: |PlainClient|_|

( |PlainServer|_| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> unit option

true if the current security mechanism is PLAIN and the socket is acting as a server

CompiledName: |PlainServer|_|

( |Rate| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<MeasureInverse<s>,MeasureProduct<kb,MeasureOne>>>

Multicast data rate

CompiledName: |Rate|

( |ReceiveBuffer| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<Byte,MeasureOne>>

Receive-message buffer size in bytes

CompiledName: |ReceiveBuffer|

( |ReceiveQueue| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int32

Maximum number of inbound queued messages

CompiledName: |ReceiveQueue|

( |ReceiveTimeout| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Timeout period for inbound messages

CompiledName: |ReceiveTimeout|

( |ReconnectDelay| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Pause before reconnect

CompiledName: |ReconnectDelay|

( |SendBuffer| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<Byte,MeasureOne>>

Send-message buffer size in bytes

CompiledName: |SendBuffer|

( |SendQueue| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int32

Maximum number of outbound queued messages

CompiledName: |SendQueue|

( |SendTimeout| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<ms,MeasureOne>>

Timeout period for outbound messages

CompiledName: |SendTimeout|

( |SocketType| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<SocketType,MeasureOne>>

Socket type

CompiledName: |SocketType|

( |SocksProxy| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> string

Retrieves SOCKS proxy address

CompiledName: |SocksProxy|

( |TcpKeepalive| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> bool option

bool option indicating state of TCP_KEEPALIVE; None indicates system default value

CompiledName: |TcpKeepalive|

( |TcpKeepaliveCount| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int32

Override OS-level TCP keep-alive

CompiledName: |TcpKeepaliveCount|

( |TcpKeepaliveIdle| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>>

Override OS-level TCP keep-alive

CompiledName: |TcpKeepaliveIdle|

( |TcpKeepaliveInterval| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int<MeasureProduct<s,MeasureOne>>

Override OS-level TCP keep-alive

CompiledName: |TcpKeepaliveInterval|

( |TypeOfService| ) socket
Signature: socket:Socket -> int32

Retrieves the TypeOfService option for the socket

CompiledName: |TypeOfService|

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