Namespace: fszmq
Contains methods for working with Message instances
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
( |<< ) message socket
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
( +>> ) message socket
Signature: message:Socket -> socket:Message -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
( <<- ) socket message
Signature: socket:Socket -> message:Message -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
( <<+ ) socket message
Signature: socket:Message -> message:Socket -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
( ->> ) message socket
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
( >>| ) socket message
Signature: socket:Socket -> message:Message -> unit
Operator equivalent to CompiledName: |
clone source
Signature: source:Message -> Message
Makes a new instance of the Message type, with an independent copy of the source content. CompiledName: |
configure message options
Signature: message:Message -> options:seq<int * int> -> unit
Sets the given block of option values for the given Message CompiledName: |
copy source target
Signature: source:Message -> target:Message -> unit
Copies the content from one message to another message. Avoid modifying message content after a message has been copied, as this can result in undefined behavior. CompiledName: |
data message
Signature: message:Message -> byte []
Returns the content of the given Message CompiledName: |
getOption message messageOption
Signature: message:Message -> messageOption:int -> int
Gets the value of the given option for the given Message CompiledName: |
hasMore message
Signature: message:Message -> bool
Returns true if the given message is a frame in a multi-part message and more frames are available CompiledName: |
isMatch left right
Signature: left:Message -> right:Message -> bool
Tests if two CompiledName: |
move source target
Signature: source:Message -> target:Message -> unit
Moves the content from one message to another message.
No actual copying of message content is performed, target is simply updated to reference the new content.
source becomes an empty message after calling CompiledName: |
recv message socket
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> unit
Updates the given CompiledName: |
send message socket
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> unit
Sends a message, indicating no more messages will follow CompiledName: |
sendMore message socket
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> unit
Sends a message, indicating more messages will follow CompiledName: |
setOption message (messageOption, value)
Signature: message:Message -> (messageOption:int * value:int) -> unit
Sets the given option value for the given Message CompiledName: |
size message
Signature: message:Message -> int
Returns the size (in bytes) of the given Message CompiledName: |
tryGetMetadata message name
Signature: message:Message -> name:string -> string option
For a given message, returns the metadata associated with the given name
as an CompiledName: |
tryLoadMetadata message name value
Signature: message:Message -> name:string -> value:byref<string> -> bool
For a given message, extracts the metadata associated with the given name, returning false if no metadata is present (for the given name) This function is named TryGetMetadata in compiled assemblies. If you are accessing the function from a language other than F#, or through reflection, use this name. CompiledName: |
tryRecv message socket flags
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> flags:int -> bool
Updates the given CompiledName: |
trySend message socket flags
Signature: message:Message -> socket:Socket -> flags:int -> bool
Sends a message, with the given flags, returning true (or false) if the send was successful (or should be re-tried) CompiledName: |