configure context options
Signature: context:Context -> options:seq<int * int> -> unit
Sets the given block of option values for the given Context
CompiledName: Configure
dealer context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates an advanced socket type used for extending the request/reply
When a ZMQ.DEALER socket is connected to a ZMQ.REP socket,
each message sent must consist of an empty message part, the
delimiter, followed by one or more body parts.
CompiledName: Dealer
getOption context contextOption
Signature: context:Context -> contextOption:int -> int
Gets the value of the given option for the given Context
CompiledName: GetOption
newSocket context socketType
Signature: context:Context -> socketType:int<MeasureProduct<SocketType,MeasureOne>> -> Socket
Creates a Socket, of the given type, within the given context
CompiledName: Socket
pair context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a peer connected to exactly one other peer.
This socket type is used primarily for inter-thread
communication across the "inproc" transport.
CompiledName: Pair
pub context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a publisher used to distribute messages to subscribers.
Note: topical filtering will be done at the subscriber (after receiving messages)
CompiledName: Pub
pull context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a pipeline node to receive messages from upstream (ZMQ.PUSH ) nodes.
CompiledName: Pull
push context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a pipeline node to send messages to downstream (ZMQ.PULL ) nodes.
CompiledName: Push
rep context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a service to receive requests from and send replies to a
This socket type allows only an alternating sequence of
Socket.recv(reply) followed by Socket.send(request) calls.
CompiledName: Rep
req context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a client for sending requests to and receiving replies from
a service.
This socket type allows only an alternating sequence of
Socket.send(request) followed by Socket.recv(reply) calls.
CompiledName: Req
router context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates an advanced socket type used for extending the request/reply
When receiving messages a ZMQ.ROUTER socket prepends a
message part containing the identity of the originating peer. When sending messages a ZMQ.ROUTER socket removes the first
part of the message and uses it to determine the identity of the recipient.
CompiledName: Router
setOption context (contextOption, value)
Signature: context:Context -> (contextOption:int * value:int) -> unit
Sets the given option value for the given Context
CompiledName: SetOption
stream context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a socket which can, asynchronously, send data to or
receive data from an non-ZeroMQ peer (via the "TCP" transport).
Note: each message should begin with a peer identity. Additionally, a ZMQ.STREAM socket can act as client or a server.
When acting as a server, the socket MUST set the ZMQ.SENDMORE flag.
When acting as a client, the ZMQ.SENDMORE flag is ignored.
Sending an identity followed by an empty frame, closes the connection.
CompiledName: Stream
sub context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Creates a subscriber to receive to data distributed by a publisher.
Initially a ZMQ.SUB socket is not subscribed to any messages
(i.e. one, or more, subscriptions must be applied, via Socket.setOption ,
before any messages will be received).
CompiledName: Sub
xpub context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Behaves the same as a publisher, except this socket type may also receive
subscription messages from peers.
Note: topical filtering will be done at the publisher (before sending messages)
CompiledName: XPub
xsub context
Signature: context:Context -> Socket
Behaves the same as a subscriber, except topical filtering is done
by sending subscription messages to the publisher.
Subscriptions are made by sending a subscription message,
in which the first byte is 1 or 0 (subscribe or unsubscribe)
and the remainder of the message is the topic
CompiledName: XSub